Article ID : S500025941 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

What are the functions of Hi-MD Music Transfer for Mac Ver.2.0?

    Functions of Hi-MD Music Transfer for Mac Ver.2.0.

    The functions are listed below are applicable only to the stated Hi-MD Walkman model.


    1. User can import audio data recorded in Linear PCM, Hi-SP or Hi-LP mode on the Macintosh-compatible Hi-MD Walkman to a Macintosh computer after converting to WAV format audio data.*1
    2. User can download WAV*2 or MP3 format audio data from a Macintosh computer to a Hi-MD Walkman.*3
    3. User can change a track or group title in a Hi-MD disc, and change the order of tracks or groups.
    4. User can erase the tracks or groups in a Hi-MD disc.


    1. User can download MP3 format audio data from a Macintosh computer to a Hi-MD Walkman.*3

    2. User can change a track or group title in a Hi-MD disc, and change the order of tracks or groups.

    3. User can erase the tracks or groups in a Hi-MD disc.

    *1 An audio data transferred using SonicStage or MD Simple Burner and an audio data downloaded from this software cannot be imported.

    *2 WAV format audio data is downloaded after converting to Linear PCM.

    *3 If an audio data downloaded from this software is used on SonicStage, some functions such as transfer times or CD burning, etc are limited.

    Import and Download table




    Linear PCM, Hi-SP, Hi-LP

    MP3 file

    WAV file

    MZ-RH10/MZ-RH910/MZ-RH710 - OK -