Article ID : S500029205 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

Why does the printed image size differ from the original size when PictureGear Version 5.0 is used?

    The printed image size differs from the original size when PictureGear Version 5.0 is used.

    This symptom is due to the specifications of PictureGear Version 5.0. The print size will be determined by which window the image was printed from. There are 3 possible ways of printing.

    1. Printing the image from the display window
    When an image is printed from the display window, the print size is determined by the resolution of the image. The printed size will be in inches and can be calculated by dividing the image size (the number of pixels) by resolution (dpi).

    To check the resolution of the image, right-click the image in PictureGear. Click Slide Information and click the Advanced tab.

    If the image resolution is 200dpi and has 1280 pixels horizontally,
    1280 pixels / 200 dpi = 6.4 in
    The image will be sized 6.4 inches horizontally and vertically.

    2. Printing the image from the edit window
    When an image is printed from the edit window, the print result have a resolution of 100dpi. The printed size will be in inches and can be obtained by dividing the image size (the number of pixels) by 100dpi.

    If the image has 720 pixels horizontally,
    720 pixels / 100 dpi = 7.2. in
    The image will be sized 7.2 inches horizontally and vertically.

    3. Printing the image from the view window
    When an image is printed from the view window, the print size will be determined by the resolution of the printer. The print result will be in inches and can be obtained by dividing the image size (the number of pixels) with the resolution (dpi) that is available to the printer.

    If the printer can print an image with a resolution of 360dpi and the image has 720 pixels horizontally,
    720 pixels / 360 dpi = 2 in.
    The image will be sized 2 inches horizontally and vertically.